Online event streamed on CIDOB’s YouTube channel
Acto online
Webcast “El Sudeste Asiático: punto caliente de la rivalidad entre China y Estados Unidos”
By-invitation online session
Differentiation in ASEAN, ECOWAS and MERCOSUR: A comparative analysis
CIDOB, sala Jordi Maragall, Elisabets 12, 08001 Barcelona
La Agenda 2030 como marco de referencia para una recuperación justa, sostenible e inclusiva de las ciudades
Online session streamed on CIDOB’s Youtube channel
Migration Challenges in Europe: A Conversation with Director General António Vitorino
Representation of the European Commission in Spain. Paseo de la Castellana, 46, 28046 Madrid, and online
Living in the “area of vital interest” for Russia
Online workshop streamed on CIDOB’s Youtube channel
Bridging the Green and Digital Agendas in Cities to Drive more Ambitious and Inclusive Transitions
CIDOB, Jordi Maragall room, Elisabets 12, 08001 Barcelona and online via CIDOB’s Youtube channel
“What is going on in the world?” Should we talk to terrorists? Lessons from Afghanistan and other conflicts
CIDOB, sala Jordi Maragall, Elisabets 12,08001 Barcelona y online a través del canal de YouTube de CIDOB
Ciclo “¿Qué pasa en el mundo?” La era post-Merkel: repercusiones para Alemania y la Unión Europea
Acto online
Webcast “ASEAN y la estrategia europea para el Indo-Pacífico”
Acto online
Diálogos de Política Exterior “Acción exterior y salud: vacuna, gobernanza y cooperación”
CIDOB, Sala Jordi Maragall, Elisabets 12, 08001 Barcelona, y online a través del canal de YouTube de CIDOB
Comercio Internacional y Estrategias de Resiliencia Económica: Una mirada desde Barcelona
CIDOB, Jordi Maragall Room, Elisabets 12, 08001 Barcelona and CIDOB’s Youtube channel
1st Summer Course on the European Union “The Challenges of the European Union: An Expert and Institutional Perspective”
By-invitation online meeting with experts, practitioners and city representatives (via Teams)
Understanding the value proposition of city networks and measuring impact
[CANCELLED EVENT] The European Union and migration challenges. Discussing the role of differentiation
By-invitation online meeting with experts
Climate change, Development and Security in the Central Sahel
CIDOB, Elisabets 12, 08001 Barcelona
Invitación a participar en los focus groups del proyecto FACTS
Online session
Publication Launch and Debate: “A moment to reflect: Creating Euro-Mediterranean bonds that deliver”
Online session via CIDOB’s Youtube channel
Atlantic approaches to global challenges: Sustainability, recovery and new security threats
By-invitation online session (via Teams)