Catalunya Ràdio – Catalunya Migdia
Cities in the International Arena
RNE – Econòmix
L’impacte econòmic del Mundial de Futbol Rússia 2018
The Aftermath of a Masterplan for Kuwait: An Exploration of the Forces that Shape Kuwait City
Wise Cities in the Mediterranean: Conceptual Framework and Cases
Informal Settlement Dwellers in Algeria: How Local Initiatives and Practices Contribute to Improving their Living Conditions
Urban Sprawl and Politics in Saudi Arabia
Introduction: “Wise Cities” in the Mediterranean
Mediterranean Cities and Vertical Farming: Fostering Sustainable Local Food Production and Building Neighbourhood Esprit de Corps
The New Cairo Wastewater Treatment Plant (Egypt)
Localising the Next Wise Cities in the Mediterranean: The Multilevel Challenges of MENA’s Emerging Urban Region
From Farm to Landfill: How Rome Tackles its Food Waste
Runaway Urbanisation in Tunis: Rethinking the Territorial Box of the Metropolis
Jeddah: A “Wise Old City” Facing the Challenges of Urban Requalification?
Obsolete Romanticism and the Postmodern Transformation of Urban Cultures and Traditions in Mediterranean Medinas
Alexandria: Development Challenges of a Coastal Second City
How can Regional Cooperation in the Mediterranean Support Cities’ Energy Transition Efforts?
Mar en disputa: del rescate a la lucha contra los traficantes
TV3 – Els matins