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Abrami, S. C. A. (2025). What’s up with US-Turkey Relations? Between International Turmoil and Trump 2.0. IPC-Mercator Analysis. https://ipc.sabanciuniv.edu/en/abrami-samuele-carlo-ayrton-a247ee
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Abrami, S. C. A., Gasco, R., & Baser, B. (2025 forthcoming). New Securitization Waves of the Kurdish Question. A Three(plus)-Level Analysis of Turkish Foreign Policy. Exploring the Kurdish Movement: Dynamics, Institution Building and Theoretical Perspectives, Partecipazione e Conflitto.
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Gasco, R., & Abrami, S. C. A. (2024). Beyond the Cold War and East-West Dynamics: Analyzing the PKK’s Agency and Longevity. In P. Marton, G. Thomasen, C. Békés, & A. Rácz (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Non-State Actors in East-West Relations (pp. 1–15). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05750-2_73-1
Abrami, S. C. A., & Gasco, R. (2024). An Analysis of Turkish Municipal Elections. When Local Becomes National. Implications for Turkey’s Political Future (Edited Dossier). Geopolitica.info. https://www.geopolitica.info/prodotto/geopolitical-brief-45-an-analysis-of-turkish-municipal-elections/
Abrami, S. C. A. (2024). From Bipolarity to ‘The World is Bigger than Five’. Assessing Türkiye’s Geopolitical (Re)positioning through Neoclassical Realist Lenses. In T. Sakman (Ed.), Securitized World Order and New Security Spaces. Nobel Akademik.
Abrami, S. C. A. (2024). Dal Bipolarismo a “The World is Bigger than Five”. L’impatto della Guerra Fredda sul (ri) posizionamento geopolitico della Turchia. In Post. Sguardi sul Cambiamento. Mimesis Edizioni.
Abrami, S. C. A. (2024). La Turchia nell’Iraq post-Saddam/ tra minacce esistenziali e nuove opportunità [Turkey-Iraq relations in the post-Saddam era]. In A. Plebani (Ed.), Dinamiche geopolitiche contemporanee. Ce.St.In.Geo. Geopolitical Outlook 2023. Ce.St.In.Geo, UNICATT. https://publicatt.unicatt.it/handle/10807/268561
Abrami, S. C. A. (2024). Review. Political Narratives and Global Realities: Evolution without Revolution in Turkish Foreign Policy Turkey’s foreign policy narratives: Implications of global power shifts / Toni Alaranta. - Cham: Springer, 2022. The International Spectator, 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1080/03932729.2024.2358715
Abrami, S. C. A. (2024). Review. Turkey in Africa: Turkey’s Strategic Involvement in Sub-Saharan Africa Turkey in Africa: Turkey’s Strategic Involvement in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Federico Donelli, I. B. Tauris, 2021. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1080/19448953.2024.2307814