A moment to reflect: Creating Euro-Mediterranean bonds that deliver This initiative presents alternative scenarios for Euro-Mediterranean relations and highlights the need to strengthen cooperative relations between the EU and its southern neighbours.
Research Study on the Role of Women and Youth in Preventing Violent Extremism This project will address the role of women and youth in preventing violent extremism in seven countries: Germany, Spain, France, Jordan, Morocco, the United Kingdom and Tunisia.
VIADUCT Enhancing visibility of the Academic Dialogue on EU-Turkey CooperationVIADUCT’s promotes research, teaching and policy dialogue on EU-Turkey relations
RE-DEV Assessing the transition to renewable energy in Rapidly Developing CountriesThe RE-DEV project builds knowledge on how to facilitate a sustained transition to renewable energy in Rapidly Developing Countries.
MEDRESET A comprehensive, integrated and bottom-up approach to reset our understanding of the Mediterranean space, remap the region and reconstruct inclusive, responsive and flexible EU policies in itCIDOB participates as a partner in Med-Reset, a project that aims to re-invigorating the partners
FEUTURE The Future of EU-Turkey Relations: Mapping Dynamics and Testing ScenariosCIDOB participates as a partner in a project that will analyse the Future of EU-Turkey relations
MENARA Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture: Mapping geopolitical shifts, regional order and domestic transformationsThe MENARA Project analyses the drivers of change for the regional order in the Middle East and North Africa and the implications of those geopolitical shifts for E
CIDOB-OCP Policy Center partnership project The CIDOB-OCP Policy Center partnership project deals with the Western Mediterranean Cooperation and Integration Potential. Within this framework it focuses on sustainable agriculture, food security and the water-energy-food nexus in particular.
RUDEFOPOS-IRAQ Rural Development, Food Security and Political Stability in IraqRural Development, Food Security and Political Stability in Iraq (RUDEFOPOS-IRAQ) is a project that is funded by a Marie Curie grant of the European Commission.
TRANSOLAR Transition to solar energy in the MediterraneanThis project examines the processes of socio-technical transition to solar energy in the Mediterranean region with a specific focus on sector policy reform, investment risks, the limits and potential of regional cooperation.