Book reviews. Cross-intersections between gender violence and migrations from a feminist perspective
Book reviews. A decolonial, antiracist perspective in patriarchal violence and carceral feminism
Book reviews. Latin America: challenges and limitations on the international stage of the "polycrisis"
Towards a climate loss and damage fund for cities
Introduction: migration and violence from a gender perspective
Indigenous peoples’ political transnationalism: activism and the internationalisation of demands
Prostitution, violence and female migration in Spain
Deportability, gender and legal violence: a literature review on deportation and anti-trafficking policies
LGBT+ migrants’ paths to Chile: intersectional violence and citizenship
El diálogo Guerra contra la cultura-Cultura en guerra organizado por FES Madrid y CIDOB reúne a artistas ucranianos que reflexionarán sobre el arte como símbolo de resistencia colectiva frente a la barbarie de la guerra
Burkina Faso y Mali expulsan a Francia: el rol del sentimiento antifrancés en el giro pro-ruso
War and Peace in the 21st Century. China and the US: Can Bipolar Confrontation Be Avoided?
Barcelona constitueix el consell assessor en intel·ligència artificial, ètica i drets digitals
El País – Planeta Futuro
Necesitamos un fondo de pérdidas y daños ambientales para las ciudades
No hay políticas sin datos: base empírica para la acogida e integración de solicitantes de asilo y refugiados
El País