Dark clouds on the horizon: the uncertain future of the EU’s green agenda
Turning right: Italy’s political landscape and EU elections
RNE – Són 4 dies
Les claus de les eleccions europees, amb Héctor Sánchez
Ireland: Still pro-EU but agriculture and migration feature prominently in the campaign
Is the European Union young?
¿Qué está en juego en las elecciones europeas del próximo 9 de junio?
Migration, elections and the European Union of tomorrow
France: A triumphant radical-right with mixed implications for France’s European role
Finland: focus on new national candidates
The geography of anti-Europeanism
Defence as a core pillar of European integration
Europa Press
La ultraderecha llega a las elecciones europeas en pleno proceso de reconfiguración
Hungary: derailed election campaign brings back national politics and overshadows anti-Brussels messages
TV3 – Els matins
Eleccions europees: Què hi ha en joc el 9 de juny?
The European elections and the EU’s future economic capacity
Mapping the future of technological innovations
El Temps
Carme Colomina: "Anem cap a un Parlament Europeu més fragmentat i més conservador"
Mapping the future of technological innovations