Book reviews |The Importance of multidisciplinary studies in the struggle against jihadist terrorism
Dialogic literature for preventing violent extremism (PVE): Ustaša hate speech
Anuario Internacional CIDOB 2021. Prólogo
Book reviews | Entrepreneur presidents in Latin America: private vs general interest
Carnegie Europe
Judy Asks: Can Germany Provide Leadership to Europe?
Book reviews | Political Violence: towards a complex understanding of the phenomenon
Detect to prevent: strategies for countering violent extremism in Spain
Anuario Internacional CIDOB 2021. Introducción
Book reviews | Prevention of radicalisation and deradicalisation as tools in the service of security
EU policies for preventing violent extremism: a new paradigm for action?
Combatting radicalisation in France: from experimentation to professionalisation
Cadena Ser – Aquí, amb Josep Cuní
Les eleccions a Alemanya
Preventing violent extremism in Europe: approaches, methods and strategies
Ambitious and inclusive transitions in cities: bridging green and digital agendas
La inmunización va en aumento, pero con notables diferencias entre países
Negocios TV
¿Cómo será el nuevo gobierno alemán?
Ràdio 4 – Tot a Europa
El llegat d’Angela Merkel
Cadena Ser – Aquí, amb Josep Cuní