We need to rethink the global governance model in order to build a future for our communities

Monografia CIDOB_72_inglés
Publication date: 04/2019
Emilia Saiz, Secretary General, United Cities and Local Governments
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There is a critical shift in the current paradigm that we will all need to embrace if we want to put in motion the type of transformation required to reconcile sustainable, resilient, inclusive, just and peaceful societies. We will need to accept that development models conceived from the perspective of governments alone will no longer have the support of populations that are more global in mentality and ambitions than in their actual capacity to act.
The multilateral system, which is perceived to be in decline, is, however, still producing some of the most visionary and engaging agendas. One of these, the 2030 Agenda, is seen as the basis for a new global social contract. Yet, the credibility of the system is at stake and will be greatly damaged if we are not able to deliver.