CIDOB International Yearbook 2011. Country Profile: Turkey

Publication date: 07/2011

The Republic of Turkey is the country that is the subject of the CIDOB International Yearbook 2011, a work of reference that also includes the customary chapters dedicated to an analysis of Spain's foreign policy, the international situation and Europe.

The present edition of the Yearbook is structured into three sections. The first chapter offers an analysis of Spain's foreign relations including three articles. Ignacio Molina and Juan Tovar co-author a text on Spain's foreign relations in the diplomatic sphere in 2010, secondly an article devoted in particular to the Spanish Presidency of the European Union during the first semester of 2010 is co-authored by Esther Barbé and Laia Mestres. Finally, an article on the Spanish economy in 2010 is signed by the prestigious economist Josep Oliver. The current economic and financial crisis is the common theme when dealing with the analysis of 2010 in the three texts presented. In this first section, appendices devoted to Spanish foreign policy include a chronology of the main events in the realm of foreign policy, analysis and statistics on foreign trade and investment, migration and international cooperation policy.

The second part includes articles devoted to global and European politics, starting with two analyses centered on political and economic International spheres. Firstly, an analysis of global political trends in 2010 by Stephan Sberro, and secondly a text on the world economic crisis written by Jo Marie Griesgraber. The chapter also presents two studies on the evolution of European politics in 2010, focused on the EU integration process (Daniela Schwarzer) and its neighbourhood policy (Olga Shumylo). This section appendices cover a wide range of issues within the international scene and to the European Union, dealing with issues related to development, security, energy, regional integration in Latin America and EU’s Budget.

Finally, the third part of the 2011 Yearbook includes the country profile chapter devoted to the Republic of Turkey. This section contains three articles covering different issues, the first of which, written by Kuat Keyman and Tuba Kanci, offers a general overview of the country’s politics in 2010 and the prospects to the 2011 parliamentary elections. The second, signed by Meliha Altunisik, focus on the foreign relations of Turkey, in a period that Ankara aims to be considered as one of the ‘emerging powers’, even its relations with the EU are in a stalemate. The third text is devoted to the relations between the Republic of Turkey and Spain. Appendices of this chapter offer a complete analysis of the country, including internal politics, historical chronology, foreign and defence relations, economy and migration.

ISSN: 2014-0223 / ISSN: 2014-0703 (on-line)

Publication content:

Spanish Foreign Policy

The Year The Other Bubble Burts: Spanish Foreign and Security Policy In 2010
Ignacio Molina and Juan Tovar

Between Economic Crisis And Institutional Apprenticeship: The 2010 Spanish Presidency Of The Eu On The Defensive
Esther Barbé and Laia Mestres

The Spanish Economy in 2010: The Full Impact of External Constraints
Josep Oliver Alonso


Chronology of the Spanish Foreign Policy 2010

Spain’s Foreign Trade 2010

Spain: Foreign Direct Investment Flows 2010

Assessment of Immigration In Spain 2010

Spanish Development Cooperation Policy In 2009

Annual International Cooperation Plan (Paci) 2011

International Framework

World Politics

2010: A Shaky World
Stephan Sberro

The Global Economy: 2010
Jo Marie Griesgraber


The European Integration Process In 2010
Daniela Schwarzer

The European Neighborhood Policy: Still A Way To Go
Olga Shumylo And Vivien Pertusot


World Politics

World Development Maps

World Conflicts Map 2010

Map Of The Official Development Aid Of OECD

Cooperation And Regional Integration In Latin America
And The Caribbean 2010


EU Member States Participation in Peacekeeping Missions 2010

European Union Immigration Priorities 2010

Energy Dependency And Energy Mix Of The Eu Member States In 2008

Eu Budgetary Flows In 2009

Country Profile: Turkey

Country Profile: Turkey In 2010
Fuat Keyman And Tuba Kancı

Turkish Foreign Policy In The 21st Century
Meliha Benli Altunisik

Spanish-Turkish Relations: In Tune Despite The European Stalemate
Eduard Soler I Lecha


Map of the Country

Political System and Structure Of State

Biographies of Political Leaders of the Turkish Republic

Chronology of the Turkish Republic

Foreign Policy of the Turkish Republic

Defence And Security Policy of the Turkish Republic

Economic And Social Indicators of Turkey

Migration in the Turkish Republic