Change and limitations in Morocco: proposals for constitutional reform of the government

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_109
Publication date: 04/2015
Mª Angustias Parejo Fernández, profesora titular de Ciencia Política y la Administración, Universidad de Granada, GEIM
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One of the stand-out novelties of the new politico-constitutional architecture in Morocco is the new government statute. This article analyses the proposals for constitutional reform of the government made in 2011 by the parties of the former opposition and the Party of Justice and Development. The paper’s objectives are, on the one hand, to reveal the process of redefinition in the field of consensus and to assess the strength or weakness of the institutional opposition parties in influencing a new, more democratic political agreement, while, on the other hand, it aims to evaluate the scope of the politico-constitutional autonomy of this new model of government and its contribution to the democratisation of the Moroccan political regime.

Key words: Morocco, constitutional reform, government, head of government, political change, political parties

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