Asia-Pacific’s responses to the Ukraine crisis: third-party alignment with sanctions on Russia

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_125
Publication date: 09/2020
Maria Shagina, CEES Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Eastern European Studies, University of Zurich
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 Since 2014 and Russia's annexation of Crimea and the start of hostilities in Donbass, the West has shown unprecedented solidarity in imposing sanctions on Russia. Yet Asia-Pacific's response to the Ukraine crisis has been different. While Japan and New Zealand imposed symbolic sanctions, South Korea refrained from introducing any measures at all. The main objective of this paper is to explore the response of the Asia-Pacific region to the Ukrainian crisis and the underlying motivations behind these stances. From a perspective of sanctions coordination and alliance behaviour theory, this paper examines the interaction between domestic and international factors when states decide whether or not to join international sanctions coalitions.

Key words: sanctions, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine crisis, Asia-Pacific region


How to cite this article:  Shagina, Maria. “Asia-Pacific’s responses to the Ukraine crisis: third-party alignment with sanctions on Russia”. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, issue 125 (September 2020), p. 139-164. DOI: