International sanctions on Iran: effects on relations with the European Union

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_125
Publication date: 09/2020
Paloma González del Miño and David Hernández Martínez
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 International sanctions return Iran to the centre of the international debate. President Donald Trump's interest in implementing new economic, political and military sanctions against the country is forcing European executives to redefine their regional strategy, just when they had resumed fluid trade and diplomatic relations with Tehran. This paper analyses Iran's relations with some EU members, especially France, Germany and the United Kingdom, and examines the European response in 2006 and the positions taken in the current context. It also studies the effects of past sanctions on Iranian-European bilateral relations. The research goes on to address the different European positions on the decision to impose new sanctions and discusses their possible consequences for Iran and third countries.

Key words: Iran, international sanctions, European Union, regional strategy, nuclear programme


Authors: Paloma González del Miño, profesora Titular, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and David Hernández Martínez, investigador Postdoctoral, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

How to cite this article: González del Miño, Paloma y Hernández Martínez, David. «Las sanciones internacionales a Irán: efectos sobre las relaciones con la Unión Europea». Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, n.º 125 (septiembre de 2020), p. 165-185. DOI:

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