CIDOB’s documentary ‘Bouncing back’ is now available with subtitles in Spanish and Catalan

Noticia documental CIDOB_Bouncing back

What international order will be consolidated in the post-COVID-19 world? Will conflicts spread, or will new opportunities for international cooperation emerge?

 The coronavirus pandemic has affected geopolitical, economic, security and international cooperation dynamics. The rivalry between the United States and China is growing, global value chains and trade have suffered a systemic shock, inequalities are worsening and the cracks remain in the international order caused by authoritarianism, social unrest and international conflicts. 

At the same time, another series of dynamics – the mobilisation of resources for the vaccine, the coordination of transnational research groups, the connections with the global periphery and the consolidation of Asia’s centrality – force us to rethink the global order in the light of the new opportunities arising. 

What international order will be consolidated in the post-COVID-19 world? Will conflicts spread, or will new opportunities for international cooperation emerge? In what areas can positive-sum dynamics be constructed? Is COVID-19 a precursor of future crises produced by climate change? And what effects will the pandemic have on the dynamics of polarisation and populism on a global scale? 

These and other questions are addressed by the experts featured in ‘Bouncing back. World politics after the pandemic’, which premiered on February 3rd in the CaixaForum Barcelona Auditorium and on February 15th in the Caixaforum Madrid Auditorium. The documentary is now available with subtitles in Spanish and Catalan. 

View photo gallery: Premiere of the documentary ‘Bouncing back. World politics after the pandemic’