Yolanda Onghena Duyvewaerdt

Associate Senior Researcher
Academic training in history of art and theatre at the University of Gent and the Koninklijk Conservatorium; Master's degree in euro-arabic studies from the University of Girona. From 1995 she coordinates international seminars whose analyze the debate on intercultural dynamics in collaboration with several universities (Gent Universiteit, Université de la Sorbonne, Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail, Université Mohammed V, Rabat and Bilgi University, Istanbul. She shares her vision with students and professionals through punctual interventions in masters and workshops, and more specifically in a forum for young researchers from different universities and disciplines in order to discuss the intercultural dynamics that cross their research. She has organized and participated in international meetings on intercultural issues (Rabat, Ghent, Istanbul, Copenhagen, Almaty, Paris, Berlin, Tunis, Casablanca, Ciudad Juarez, Genua, etc.). She collaborates with articles in international publications. Currently she is associate senior researcher at CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) her research topics are: cross-cultural relationships, the intercultural in discourses: stereotypes/prejudices, intercultural from outside reflections of the West, tourism as an area of contact between cultures. Recently she published a book entitled: 'Pensar la mezcla. Un relato intercultural“ (Gedisa) which places the intercultural relations as a simultaneous awareness with their sequences of similarity and difference. She was visiting lecturer at the Nagoya city University, Japan (2016).