Resolving Libya’s Legitimacy Crisis: 2023 Elections as a Pathway for Peace and Democratisation?

JOINT Brief 26
Fecha de publicación: 04/2023
Cynthia Happi, Policy Briefs Coordinator and Research Officer at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa
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JOINT Brief 26 (April 2023)

Beyond having an internationally recognised government, Libya is in dire need of a legitimate administration to take it a step away from political stagnation and division. A legal framework and a roadmap associated with a timetable for Libya’s elections in 2023 is therefore paramount, although caution is required – as to not be too hasty. Holding elections without an implementable constitutional basis and without unifying key state institutions like financial institutions (central bank), security institutions and the executive branch, will be counterproductive. It will unravel the peace process, deepen divisions and replicate the aftermath of the 2014 election when warring factions backed rival governments. The realisation of all political, legal and security requirements is therefore vital for the success of elections in 2023. There is an entry point for the African Union to support the United Nations’ effort and the European Union can be a strategic partner in this regard.