CIDOB-OCP Policy Center partnership project
The CIDOB-OCP Policy Center partnership project deals with the Western Mediterranean Cooperation and Integration Potential. Within this framework it focuses on sustainable agriculture, food security and the water-energy-food nexus in particular.

CIDOB-OCP Policy Center partnership project has held two conferences in 2014 and 2015: The first took place in Rabat in June 2014 and dealt with the water-energy-food nexus in drylands. The second conference was hosted in Barcelona in January 2015 and analyzed the huge food imports of Middle East and North Africa and cooperation potential with countries that have tropical agriculture. A third conference in 2016 will deal with South-South cooperation between Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. The papers of each conference are later peer-reviewed and published in special issues of academic journals like the International Journal for Water Resources Development, Food Security and Afers Internacionals.
Research results are disseminated in the media and at international events like the World Water Congress in Edinburgh. CIDOB and the OCP Policy Center also cooperate in the area of training and capacity building and explore joint funding opportunities. Researchers from both institutions attend international conferences and collaborate on joint research publications. CIDOB researchers hold bi-weekly telebriefings for OCP about contemporary global issues.