The MENARA Booklets: providing insights on the Middle East and North Africa regional order

Noticia MENARA Blooklets

These Booklets, created under the MENARA Project framework, translate scholarly-sounded research into helpful insights for practitioners, including humanitarian agencies, development agencies and NGOs, the private sector and academia.

The MENARA Booklet for the Humanitarian Sector 

Examines the implications of the Syrian, Yemeni and Libyan wars, how to deal with militarization and armed groups proliferation, responses and management of refugee crisis and what to expect from jihadism in North Africa and the Sahel. 

The MENARA Booklet for Development Agencies and NGOs

Analyses the impact of foreign development agencies and NGOs over the region, the governance of migration and refuge, technological and demographical transitions and the effects of climate change for regional societies.

The MENARA Booklet for the Private Sector

Reviews evolution of the energy market and its prospects, the effects of climate change over regional economies, what to expect from the upcoming technological transitions and the impact of demography for the economic reality of the region.

The MENARA Booklet for Academia

Explores political transitions in the making, societal dynamics in contexts of transformation, the effects of globalization on the Global South and climate change, energy and environmental challenges ahead.