How can the European Union achieve digital strategic autonomy? Views from future leaders
The Trade and Technology Council: the new window for European Union–United States collaboration
The world in 2023: ten issues that will shape the international agenda
Introduction. China's geoeconomic strategy
China''s geoeconomic strategy and its implications for Europe. A view from Barcelona
Exporting distortions: Chinese industrial policy and the European response
The New Silk Road: from Eurasian corridor to global Chinese foreign policy initiative
Authoritarianism and narratives on subalternity in Guatemala and El Salvador: the communist and the gang member
The European Commission’s proposed anti-coercion instrument from an international law perspective
The geoeconomic impact of China’s COVID policy and why it matters to the EU
About the authors. China's geoeconomic strategy
Xi Jinping’s “Common Destiny for Mankind”
Beyond License Plates and Crisis Management: Options for the EU for a Final Agreement on Kosovo and Serbia
Anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism of the radical right: a proposed categorisation
Contra el gènere: l’amenaça d’un moviment transnacional en auge
Are religious actors relevant in the prevention of violent extremism?
“Hopefully, Nietzsche’s day will come”: the Alt-Right’s illiberal roots
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