Scenarios of Macro-economic Development for Catalonia on Horizon 2030.
The TTIP negotiations: from interregionalism to global governance
Book reviews | Mexico 2015: from neoliberal authoritarianism to alternatives for change
The US Transpacific and Transatlantic relations: two projects, one strategy
EU-US economic relations: the TTIP negotiations and its implications
Book reviews | Beyond the TTIP
Mexico and Asia-Pacific: proximities and distances of a long relationship
Has interregionalism failed? The EU-ASEAN negotiations
Extractive industries in Mozambique: threat or development opportunity?
Between East and West: Kazakhstan and China’s new Silk Road
Book reviews | Road to perdition, or how Japan provoked a war it couldn’t win
Introduction: interregional relations in the world order
Michoacanas self-defence, a regional variation of the “war on drugs trafficking” in Mexico
The Brexit Negotiations: Stretching Europe to Fit UK Public Opinion?
Rusia en Siria ¿la vista puesta en Ucrania y Europa?
A Time of Great Role Reversals
Cities and Refugees: Barcelona’s Message
Half-baked, the Other Side of Egypt’s Baladi Bread Subsidy
The Boston Globe