Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals. Instructions and style guide

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals

You are kindly asked to closely follow these instructions and use the checklist at the end of this document. Not following these guidelines may result in the article’s rejection. 


With an academic approach, the text should deal with significant issues concerning international relations —from political, economic or social point of view— while bringing to the fore, through the use of current data, significant problems, trends, points of views, etc., and combining information and analysis of the topic discussed.

The paper submitted must be original, unpublished and must represent a real contribution to scientific knowledge in the area of study. 


The copyright of the texts accepted becomes the property of CIDOB and the texts cannot be reproduced without CIDOB’s authorization. The texts are published in Spanish language both as a printed copy (sold in bookshops and via subscription) and in digital format (in open access and under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.  

Regarding the original version in English, there is the option of publishing it in the digital version of the journal if the author agrees, this is optional. In that case, we would kindly ask him/her to go through the Spanish edited version and adapt the changes to the English version of the article (those which are applicable). It is important that, under the responsibility of the author/s, the English text is proofread by a third party.  


Following an initial scientific filter and an automatic check with the anti-plagiarism tool Viper, all the articles will be subjected to a process of external double blind peer review.

There are four possible verdicts: approved; conditioned to minor changes; conditioned to major changes (the new version shall go through a second review before it can be accepted), and rejected (the paper cannot be re-submitted).

Authors shall not submit their manuscript to any other publishing companies while it is in the process of evaluation.

We will try to communicate the review process results within 5 or 6 weeks


The title should be a concise indication of content. It can be followed by a subtitle which should only contain complementary information: 10-12 words maximum (85 characters with spaces), both title and subtitle included. 


The name, affiliation (position and institution) and email (an institutional one, if possible) will be included. A short biography (300 words) will be provided in a separate document, also including contact details: phone number and postal address.

Important: please provide the digital identifiers ORCID and Web of Science ResearcherID (Publons). This is beneficial for authors, the editors and the scientific community in general. 


7,000 words, footnotes and references included (±10%).

The author is to submit an abstract summarizing the article’s content, maximum 120 words in one paragraph, as well as 5-7 key words.

The manuscript must contain an introduction providing the historical/theoretical/analytical/empirical framework for the research question, a mainsection in which the subject covered is developed and analysed (we recommend subdividing it into thematic sections separated by subtitles), a conclusions section gathering the main ideas and the results of the study and, finally, the bibliographical references at the end of the document in alphabetical order (see the editing criteria below).

Tables or graphs will be accepted. Please limit the number used. Submit in Excel format (important) and insert in the corresponding place in the text. All tables and figures should be properly referenced with title and source.

Submitted papers for review will be accepted in Spanish and English languages (and exceptionally in French and Portuguese).

Spontaneous submissions (outside a call for papers) will only be accepted in Spanish.

Send text in Word format via e-mail to and, if the article is submitted in response to an open call, also to the email account indicated in the call. 


Before going to layout, the edited text will be sent in electronic format to authors (or, failing that, the issue’s scientific coordinator) for their check (to solve doubts and correct possible mistakes). This version must be returned within one week from the date on which they are sent. No substantial modifications or alterations may be made to the content of the edited text. 

The editorial team reserves the right to modify the format of acronyms, initials, bibliographic references, notes, official titles, etc. in the interest of the overall uniformity required by a periodical publication and in accordance with CIDOB’s style guide. We therefore request authors to observe the following guidelines: 

1. Acronyms and initials

When acronyms or initials are cited for the first time in the article, include their complete equivalent in parentheses. Keep coherence in the use of acronyms and initials throughout the text. 

2. Footnotes

Footnotes are used to clarify or complement aspects of the content of the text. They must only be used in exceptional cases. Do not confuse footnotes with bibliographic references. If the footnote needs to be referenced, the author’s surname, the year and the page should be added in brackets (i.e. Innerarity, 2009: 26). List footnotes at the end of the text or at the bottom of the page. Please include no more than 25-30 footnotes. 

3. Bibliographic references

We implement the norm UNE-ISO 690-2013 (equivalent to ISO 690:2010) on bibliographic references and citations.

Group these alphabetically at the end of the text. If there are more than one reference by the same author, they should be ordered chronologically, from the less to the most recent.

All references should have a correspondence in the body of the text, where the reference must be placed in parentheses indicating only the cited author’s surname, the year of publication and the page: (Barbé, 2006: 32) or (Krastev et al., 2010: 108).

Use letters (a, b, c, etc.) to differentiate references by the same author and with same publication year (Barbé, 2006a).

Use “et al. to cite within the text a work signed by more than two authors.

All references must include their DOI (if any). 

a)    Books

Krastev, Iván; Leonard, Mark; Wilson, Andrew (eds.)¿Qué piensa Rusia?  Barcelona: CIDOB, 2010. 

b)    Book chapters

Polyakov, Leónid. “Un autorretrato ideológico del régimen ruso”, in: Krastev, Iván; Leonard, Mark; Wilson, Andrew (eds.)  ¿Qué piensa Rusia?  Barcelona: CIDOB, 2010, p. 37-42. 

c)     Articles in periodicals (journals, newspapers, collections)

Giordano, Verónica y Rodríguez, Gina Paola. «Las mujeres de las derechas latinoamericanas del siglo xxi». Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, n.º 126 (diciembre de 2020), p. 215-237. DOI: (en línea) [Fecha de consulta 12.01.2021] 

d)    Complete periodicals

Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, no. 88 (Spring 1983). Barcelona: CIDOB, 2001. 

e)    Electronic publications

Guilès, Francis. “Economics will be the test od Tunisian exceptionalism”. Notes Internacionals CIDOB, no. 109 (Fabruary 2015), p. 6 (on-line) [Date accessed: 12.05.2015] 

f)      Official documents

Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas. «Situación de los derechos humanos en la República Popular Democrática de Corea: Informe del Secretario General». A/63/332 (26 de agosto de 2008) (en línea) [Fecha de consulta: 11.11.2016]

   OEA-Organización de Estados Americanos. «Convención Interamericana para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la violencia contra la mujer “Convención de Belém do Para”», 9 de junio de 1994 (en línea) [Fecha de consulta: 19.05.2015] 

g)     Unpublished thesis

Dias Nunes, Camila. Da pulverização ao monopólio da violência: expansão e consolidação do Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) no sistema carcerário paulista. Tesis de doctorado en Sociología, Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.



  • Before submitting your article, please make sure it meets all the following requirements. If it does not, the text could be rejected. 
  • The article is not yet published, and it is not under review at any other publication.
  • The wordcount is not over 7.000 words, including footnotes and bibliographical references.
  • The title is no longer than 10-12 words (85 characters with spaces).
  • Name, affiliation (position and institution), e-mail (an institutional one, if possible) and author(s)’ ORCID nr. are included.
  • An abstract is provided no longer than 120 words, in a single paragraph, and 4-6 key words.
  • The text is organized in sections and sub-sections and sub-sections, clearly identified by the format of inter-titles and subtitles (no more than three levels)
  • Tables and figures are submitted in one color and Excel format, and they all include title and source
  • The text includes a “Bibliographical references” list at the end; references follow the indicated citation style and all of them have their correspondence in the text.
  • The file is sent in RTF or word format

The file is sent to and the e-mail account specified in the call for articles, if any.