Projects Since 2013 CIDOB has participated in more than 60 international research projects. Networking also increases the institution’s impact and visibility. Líneas geográficas Europe The greater Mediterranean Latin America and the Atlantic space Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa Líneas temáticas Global geopolitics and security Migrations Global cities and metropolises Sustainable development Experto Anna Ayuso Pozo Blanca Garcés Mascareñas Carlos Delclós Carme Colomina Saló Carmen Claudín Clara Créixams Diego Muro Eckart Woertz Eduard Soler i Lecha Francesc Fàbregues Francesco Pasetti Francis Ghilès Gabriel Reyes Leguen Héctor Sánchez Margalef Inés Arco Escriche Javier Borràs Arumí Jordi Bacaria Colom Jordi Vaquer i Fanés Júlia Pàmias Malaiz Daud Moussa Bourekba Oriol Farrés Pol Bargués Pol Morillas Salvador Martí i Puig Samuele Carlo Abrami Víctor Burguete Yolanda Onghena Duyvewaerdt Status Abierto Cerrado Reset Filters The Raval Project The Raval Project: Giving a voice to those who could not voteIn the European countries, there are millions of non-EU citizens, who were not allowed to vote at the European elections. The Pakistani diaspora to Barcelona Journalistic project to break stereotypes, fight against racism and highlight the contribution of the community of Pakistani origin to Barcelona. Seminario “La agenda UE-CELAC en tiempos del interregionalismo global. Una visión desde la academia” El evento reunió a 31 especialistas para analizar hacia dónde debe evolucionar la asociación estratégica entre la UE y América Latina para adaptarse a los cambios del contexto internacional lleno de incertidumbres en general y en particular la nueva etapa de relación con Cuba. Refugiados: diálogos entre los actores implicados El proyecto quiere crear un espacio de diálogo y reflexión entre les diferentes actores implicados en la gestión de la llamada "crisis de los refugiados" en la Unión Europea. A moment to reflect: Creating Euro-Mediterranean bonds that deliver This initiative presents alternative scenarios for Euro-Mediterranean relations and highlights the need to strengthen cooperative relations between the EU and its southern neighbours. Inter-professional Experiences Social context of increasing diversity and complexity of the environmentIn the social context of increasing diversity and complexity of the environment, the main challenge faced today by professionals is that of learning how best to recognize and manage the differences that separate them WISE CITIES A glocal think tank networkWISE CITIES is a pioneer urban-based project led by a global network of think tanks and research institutions aimed at providing responses to the challenges of sustainable and inclusive development and citizens well-being, through research, knowledge sharing an Multiple Framework Contract "External Relations" – Committee of the Regions Retos socioculturales del siglo XXI El ciclo de conferencias “Retos socioculturales para el siglo XXI” cuestiona si ¿Existe la posibilidad, en un contexto transnacional, de crear referencias comunes y democráticas de convivencia?¿Hasta dónde se puede compartir el ámbito transnacional en una actualidad de creciente movilidad, intera Uzbekistan Initiative Many voices, one countryThe Uzbekistan Initiative was launched in early 2014 by the Central Asia Program (CAP) at George Washington University and CIDOB. Foro de jóvenes investigadores en dinámicas interculturales Soporte y estímulo para la investigación en diferentes disciplinas de las ciencias socialesDesde el año 2003 un grupo de jóvenes investigadores en dinámicas interculturales introdujo la idea de celebrar un Foro de Doctorandos: una propuesta de soporte y estímulo para la investigación en Seminario internacional permanente de dinámicas interculturales Debate interdisciplinarA partir de temas concretos con dimensión intercultural se propone un debate interdisciplinar (seminarios y conferencias), al que se invitan expertos y profesionales de diferentes campos relacionados con las dinámicas interculturales. EU-LISTCO Europe's External Action and the Dual Challenges of Limited Statehood and Contested OrdersEU-LISTCO investigates under which conditions ALS/CO (Areas of Limited Statehood)/(Contested Orders) deteriorate into governance breakdown and violent conflict, turning risks into security threats f European Trail Realidades emergentes en el espacio europeoDuring the trio EU-presidency in 2010-2011 of Spain, Belgium and Hungary, a common project has been initiated to explore, in a multidisciplinary and open reflection, the emergence of Europe in a context of globalization, deterritorialization and Macro-economic Scenarios of Catalonia's Development in Horizon 2030 Identifying the distinctive political and economical scenarios that Catalonia may have to face should it become and independent country in the horizon 2030This study aims at identifying the distinctive political and economical scenarios that Catalonia may have to face should it become an EUCTER Jean Monnet Network on EU Counter-TerrorismThe main objective of EUCTER is to contribute to a new understanding of the role of European Union (Commission, member states, Council, EP) in EU counter-terrorism in the EU and through EU external action. Whole-COMM Exploring the Integration of Post-2014 Migrants in Small and Medium-sized Towns and Rural Areas from a Whole of Community PerspectiveIn recent years, the EU has received an unprecedented number of migrants and asylum seekers, often in a disordered way. NIEM all for integration The National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) is a six-year international project to evaluate and improve the integration of the beneficiaries of international protection. SAHWA "Researching Arab Mediterranean Youth: Towards a New Social Contract"The SAHWA Project is a FP-7 interdisciplinary collaborative research project led by the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB) and co-financed by the European Commission as part of its Research Framework Pro EPIN_2CU Towards a Citizens' UnionEPIN_2CU aims to contribute to the debate on current EU issues, the future of European integration and provide a thorough understanding of national debates. Research Network to provide foreign policy expertise – Security and Defense Pagination First Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Next Last
The Raval Project The Raval Project: Giving a voice to those who could not voteIn the European countries, there are millions of non-EU citizens, who were not allowed to vote at the European elections.
The Pakistani diaspora to Barcelona Journalistic project to break stereotypes, fight against racism and highlight the contribution of the community of Pakistani origin to Barcelona.
Seminario “La agenda UE-CELAC en tiempos del interregionalismo global. Una visión desde la academia” El evento reunió a 31 especialistas para analizar hacia dónde debe evolucionar la asociación estratégica entre la UE y América Latina para adaptarse a los cambios del contexto internacional lleno de incertidumbres en general y en particular la nueva etapa de relación con Cuba.
Refugiados: diálogos entre los actores implicados El proyecto quiere crear un espacio de diálogo y reflexión entre les diferentes actores implicados en la gestión de la llamada "crisis de los refugiados" en la Unión Europea.
A moment to reflect: Creating Euro-Mediterranean bonds that deliver This initiative presents alternative scenarios for Euro-Mediterranean relations and highlights the need to strengthen cooperative relations between the EU and its southern neighbours.
Inter-professional Experiences Social context of increasing diversity and complexity of the environmentIn the social context of increasing diversity and complexity of the environment, the main challenge faced today by professionals is that of learning how best to recognize and manage the differences that separate them
WISE CITIES A glocal think tank networkWISE CITIES is a pioneer urban-based project led by a global network of think tanks and research institutions aimed at providing responses to the challenges of sustainable and inclusive development and citizens well-being, through research, knowledge sharing an
Retos socioculturales del siglo XXI El ciclo de conferencias “Retos socioculturales para el siglo XXI” cuestiona si ¿Existe la posibilidad, en un contexto transnacional, de crear referencias comunes y democráticas de convivencia?¿Hasta dónde se puede compartir el ámbito transnacional en una actualidad de creciente movilidad, intera
Uzbekistan Initiative Many voices, one countryThe Uzbekistan Initiative was launched in early 2014 by the Central Asia Program (CAP) at George Washington University and CIDOB.
Foro de jóvenes investigadores en dinámicas interculturales Soporte y estímulo para la investigación en diferentes disciplinas de las ciencias socialesDesde el año 2003 un grupo de jóvenes investigadores en dinámicas interculturales introdujo la idea de celebrar un Foro de Doctorandos: una propuesta de soporte y estímulo para la investigación en
Seminario internacional permanente de dinámicas interculturales Debate interdisciplinarA partir de temas concretos con dimensión intercultural se propone un debate interdisciplinar (seminarios y conferencias), al que se invitan expertos y profesionales de diferentes campos relacionados con las dinámicas interculturales.
EU-LISTCO Europe's External Action and the Dual Challenges of Limited Statehood and Contested OrdersEU-LISTCO investigates under which conditions ALS/CO (Areas of Limited Statehood)/(Contested Orders) deteriorate into governance breakdown and violent conflict, turning risks into security threats f
European Trail Realidades emergentes en el espacio europeoDuring the trio EU-presidency in 2010-2011 of Spain, Belgium and Hungary, a common project has been initiated to explore, in a multidisciplinary and open reflection, the emergence of Europe in a context of globalization, deterritorialization and
Macro-economic Scenarios of Catalonia's Development in Horizon 2030 Identifying the distinctive political and economical scenarios that Catalonia may have to face should it become and independent country in the horizon 2030This study aims at identifying the distinctive political and economical scenarios that Catalonia may have to face should it become an
EUCTER Jean Monnet Network on EU Counter-TerrorismThe main objective of EUCTER is to contribute to a new understanding of the role of European Union (Commission, member states, Council, EP) in EU counter-terrorism in the EU and through EU external action.
Whole-COMM Exploring the Integration of Post-2014 Migrants in Small and Medium-sized Towns and Rural Areas from a Whole of Community PerspectiveIn recent years, the EU has received an unprecedented number of migrants and asylum seekers, often in a disordered way.
NIEM all for integration The National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) is a six-year international project to evaluate and improve the integration of the beneficiaries of international protection.
SAHWA "Researching Arab Mediterranean Youth: Towards a New Social Contract"The SAHWA Project is a FP-7 interdisciplinary collaborative research project led by the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB) and co-financed by the European Commission as part of its Research Framework Pro
EPIN_2CU Towards a Citizens' UnionEPIN_2CU aims to contribute to the debate on current EU issues, the future of European integration and provide a thorough understanding of national debates.