Urban sanctuaries and the right of transit: migrants transiting through Milan

This paper focuses on the policy implemented by the city of Milan to deal with the migrants crossing the city en route to central Europe from 2013, mainly from Syria and the Horn of Africa. To understand the city's response to this wave of migration, a qualitative case study was conducted that included interviews with volunteers, public employees, legal advisers and refugees. Milan's initiative is discussed in the context of the expansion of sanctuary city policies in Europe during the period of the “migration crisis”. In particular, we will see that the sistema profughi was from 2013 to 2017 an alternative to national and international policies on transit migration in terms of law, narrative and implementation, in supporting the right to the transit and challenging European and Italian policies on the matter.
Keywords: sanctuary city, urban refuge, transit migration, Milan
DOI: doi.org/10.24241/rcai.2019.123.3.143
>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language
How to cite this article: Artero, Maurizio. «Santuarios urbanos y el derecho al tránsito: migrantes en tránsito por Milán». Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, n.º 123 (diciembre de 2019), p. 143-166. DOI: doi.org/10.24241/rcai.2019.123.3.143