Tusgsal and the social economy’s commitment to sustainability

In 1985, the 117 staff of TUSA (Transports Urbans, SA) formed a new transport entity owned in equal parts by the workers, transforming it into a social economy company in the form of a Societat Anònima Laboral (an employee-owned limited company). Today, Tusgsal’s offer has been diversified through the companies of the DIREXIS group and provides regular, occasional and school transport, along with mobility consultancy. The DIREXIS group aims to serve society by providing inclusive, safe and environmentally friendly mobility based on ethical values and a commitment to social responsibility.
Tusgsal’s main activity is the provision of regular transport in two concessions awarded by the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB). The daytime bus network consists of 31 lines covering the areas of Barcelonès Nord, Montgat, Tiana, Montcada and Reixac and Barcelona, providing urban and interurban services and the night bus network, which involves running 14 night bus lines in Barcelona and its metropolitan area. Tusgsal has a staff of 950 people and provides services to 42,500,000 passengers through a network that extends across more than 14 million kilometres and has 327 vehicles in service.