Tourism Scenarios: Mobility, Rights and Destinations

The study of tourism has moved from the euphoric discourse of economy-focused approaches and the somewhat critical local and ecological standpoints to focussing on a holistic vision of the development of the transnational tourism industry. Tourism is the product of a confluence of multiple elements that are material and imaginary, subjective and collective. Because of the complexity of the relations, mobilities and interactions that characterise it, if one of these elements changes, tourism changes too. In order to position tourist moments, experiences and activities and their evolution from a perspective that includes both local points of view and global trends, it is necessary to ask new questions about the meanings, mobilities and implications that frame and define the tourism phenomenon. The aim of this monograph is to try to place tourism within global processes and encourage a transdisciplinary, flexible understanding drawn from visions that overlap and are interdependent. We propose pooling perspectives from different disciplines to formulate new questions and direct new reflections.