The Spanish Security Strategy (EES). Everyone's responsibility

Monografia_Spanish Security
Publication date: 06/2011
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The Spanish Security Strategy (EES) is the first such strategy for Spain. While countries like the United States, the United Kingdom or France have already produced similar documents, the EES is the first national security strategy published after the approval of the Lisbon treaty and NATO’s new Strategic Concept.

To develop the EES, Javier Solana has had the support of a Commission composed of Deputy Ministers and an inter-ministerial Working Group. Three expert seminars –one of which CIDOB organised- were also held with civil society, the private sector, and political parties representatives.

The EES objective is to guarantee the security of the State and its citizens, based on Spain’s national interests, the study of the threats and risks that affect Spain and by highlighting a number of priority areas of response. The EES is developed within a Spanish, European and global dimension. Under the concept of a comprehensive approach, new threats in the fields of the economy, energy, cybersecurity etc. are included in the Strategy. The EES proposes the creation of a series of new instruments to consolidate this approach, most importantly a Spanish Security Council.