Resilience out of vulnerability: latin american immigrants in Spain and the United States

Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2015-2016 (nueva época)
Publication date: 12/2016
María Aysa-Lastra, profesora de Sociología, Winthrop University y Lorenzo Cachón, investigador visitante, Winthrop University
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Based on a comparative study of the effects of the recession on Latin American immigrants in the United States and Spain, this article shows how the position immigrants occupy in the social structure tends to make them vulnerable subjects. But as social agents, immigrants respond with various resilience strategies to minimise the effects of their vulnerable condition. Diverse factors explain the vulnerability of Latin American immigrants in the labour markets in the United States and Spain.

Key words: Immigration, return, vulnerability, resistance, Latinos, Spain, United States

 >> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language