
Publication date: 07/1995
Joaquim Novella y Joan Lluís Piñol (coords.)
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Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 29-30


ISSN: 1133-6595 (edición impresa)
ISSN: 2013-035X (edición en línea)

Publication content

>> Complete text of the articles in the Spanish vesion
>> Consult the English abstracts of all the articles in this publication 


Latest News after the Creation of the WTO.
Miquel Montañà

Past, Present and Future: GATT, Free Trade Areas and... the World Trade Organization?
Gonzalo Bernardos

The Treatment of the Textil Sector in the Uruguay Round.
Claudia Jiménez

The General Agreement on Trade in Services.
Francina Esteve

Globalization, Competitiveness, International Trade, Industrial Policy and Employment.
Joaquim Novella

Canada and the North American Free Trade Agreement: between Globalization and Regional Integration.
Caterina García

The Adhesion Agreements of Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Union and the Spanish Interests.
Francesc Granell

The Policies of the IMF and the World Bank and the Rights of Peoples.
Antoni Pigrau

The United Nations in the Face of Current Challenges.
Francisco Villar

Bibliographical Selection from CIDOB's Database on the OMC and GATT.