
Publication date: 12/2000
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Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 51-52

ISSN: 1133-6595

286 pp.

Publication content

>> Complete text of the articles in the Spanish version.
>> Consult the English abstracts of all of the articles in this publication 

Federal Asymmetry and Bilateral Relations between the Center and the Periphery in Russia.
Cesáreo R. Aguilera de Prat

Russian Minorities in the Former USSR.
Ángel Pérez González

The End of a Century, the End of an Era.
Miguel Ángel Vecino

Macedonia between Crisis and Consolidation.
Carlos Flores Juberías

The Path of the Bicycle. Reflections on the Sense, Achievements and Challenges of the Iberoamerican Summits.
Manuel Montobbio

Testing the Rational-Actor Model: Interbureaucratic Politics in Mexican Foreign Policy 1989-1994.
Alba E. Gámez

The Threat Factor: Elements of the Chilean Perception of Threat.
Cristian M. Leyton Salas

The Role of Portugal in the International Context.
Pablo Antonio Fernández Sánchez

Mohammed VI and the Paradox of the Moroccan Transition.
Thierry Desrues

Reproductive Health in the Framework of Cooperation for Development.
Itziar Lozano

Revitalizing the United Nations. Anticipation and Prevention as Primary Goals.
Alexandra Novosseloff

The International Criminal Court: a New International Instrument against Impunity.
Xabier Deop