
The large citizen demonstrations that took place in December 2011 in Moscow and other Russian cities as a protest against the supposedly fraudulent electoral triumph of the governmental party United Russia in the parliamentary elections, may be considered as a clear signal that something is going on in Russia. Twenty years have gone by since the Soviet Union disappeared and many of the unknowns at that moment are still current today. When and how will a fully democratic system be established? What is or what should be the model for economic development? What is the role of civil society and media? How will the inter-ethnic relations be developed? What will be the role of nationalist movements and feelings? How will the relations centre-periphery be handled? What will be the role of Russia in the 21st century globalized world? This monographic issue of the Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals aims to provide answers to these and other questions, by drawing upon the analysis of renown experts in the field.
The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language