From imams to the new preachers: leaderships in the interpretation of Islam in Europe

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_115
Publication date: 05/2017
Lina Klemkaite, investigadora predoctoral en Estudios Migratorios, Instituto de Migraciones, Universidad de Granada
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The aim of this article is to analyse the locus of Muslim religious authority in Europe. It has shifted, leading to an increased number of Muslim voices demanding space for critical and intellectual participation and a degree of rivalry for religious and social authority. Those competing for religious authority have primarily been men, but women – contrary to prevailing opinion – have not been wholly excluded. We may thus affirm that women also participate in this competition for authority, although only to a certain degree. Ultimately, there are ever more Muslim social, political and religious leaders advocating a range of causes with the aim of satisfying the sophisticated demands of the individualised Muslim community.

Keywords: Europe, Islam, authority, imams, preachers, leadershipç

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