Europe Behind (mis)Understandings

Monografia CIDOB Europe Behid (mis) understandings
Publication date: 10/2015
Yolanda Onghena and Isabel Verdet Peris (coords.)
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Europe is indeed diversity, a multiplicity of identities with their own memories and desires for belonging. However, this way of understanding Europe as an agora of multiple belongings is challenged by the persistence and (re)apparition of old and new stereotypes and prejudices that reinforce the North-South, East-West and other – often not so obvious – divides. In this context, new views are needed which are capable of incorporating all kinds of irregularities, exceptions and disagreements without dividing or categorising. How can the media contribute to building a critical view of Europeanness as an open and fluid form? In order to reflect on these issues, a participatory two-day seminar with media and communication students from different EU member states was held in Barcelona in December 2014, organised by CIDOB. Participants discussed on how the media promote Europeanness recognize its diversity or, on the contrary, hinder a common European sense of belonging.

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