Europe and the Global security in the Mediterranean

Publication date: 06/2002
Elvira Sánchez Mateos (coord.)
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 Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 57-58

ISSN: 1133-6595 / 226 pp.

Publication content

>> Complete text of the articles in the Spanish version.
>> Consult the English abstracts of all of the articles in this publication  


Global security in the Mediterranean.
Elvira Sánchez Mateos

Confidence and stability in European Union-Maghreb relations.
Henri Burgelin

Development and economic cooperation between the EU and the Mediterranean.
Agnès Levallois and Santiago Martínez-Caro

Strengthening democratic values in the Mediterranean.
Gamal Soltan and Jesús Núñez


Promoting the security dialogue in the Mediterranean
Alessandro Politi, Martín Ortega, General Christian Quesnot and Almirante Juan Carlos Muñoz Delgado


The Middle East Peace Process
Hani al-Hassan and Yaacov Bar-Simon-Tov


Integration and sub-regional cooperation in Western Mediterranean: relations between the European Union and Maghreb
Lluís M. De Puig, Fouad Ammor, General Félix Sanz, Alberto Navarro and Miquel Nadal

The European Security and Defence Policy: current deficits and prospects for the future.
Josep Baqués Quesada

Labour Party, Likud and the colonisation of the occupied territories: the failure of peace.
Ferran Izquierdo Brichs


Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. To prepare the Meeting of Euro-Mediterranean Foreign Ministers, Valencia, 22-23 April, 2002

Vth Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Foreign Ministers. Presidency Conclusions and Valencia Action Plan