Domestic practices of contestation in EU member states

SHAPEDEM EU Publication 8
Publication date: 10/2024
Christian Achrainer, Paweł Błeszyński, Joanna Dyduch, Sarah El-Abd, Małgorzata Fijał, Magdalena Góra, Jan Grzymski, Clara Korsås, Karol Nowak, Michelle Pace, Volodymyr Posviatenko, Ewa Szczepankiewicz-Rudzka, Héctor Sánchez Margalef, Maraike Vandergrift..
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SHARPEDEM-EU publication 8 (October 2024)

This report investigates how selected EU member states – Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Sweden – support democracy in the EU's eastern and southern neighbourhoods. We analyse and map involved actors, applied instruments, and funding schemes. Of particular interest in the report is whether internal actors in countries under investigation contested democracy support. It is an important element of a broader perspective offered by the SHAPEDEM-EU where understanding the dynamic of EU democracy promotion must include a look at the domestic preferences, institutions, policy dynamics etc. in the EU member states that complement EU efforts.