The disposable income of immigrants in Spain (1993–2014)

Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2017
Publication date: 12/2017
Julio Carabaña and Olga Salido
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In this paper, the evolution of the disposable income of immigrants in Spain is analysed over the last economic cycle, taking into consideration the average income, inequality and the distribution of immigrants in fixed income classes. Then this evolution is compared with that of the national population, and finds that the gaps increased until the crisis arrived and were subsequently maintained. Finally, an explanation in terms of the intensity of the immigration is proposed. 

Authors: Julio Carabaña, Catedrático de Universidad, Sección Departamental Sociología VI, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Olga Salido, Profesora titular de Universidad, Sociología III, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Keyword: Spain; Disposable income; Immigration; Income classes; Income mobility

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