The Challenge of Policy Coherence for Development in the 2030 Agenda

CIDOB Briefing_16
Publication date: 10/2018
Anna Ayuso, Senior Research Fellow, CIDOB; Javier Pérez, CIECODE; Iliana Olivié, Real Instituto Elcano; Natalia Millán, Universidad Pontificia Comillas and REEDES
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Incorporating policy coherence for development (PCD) into public policies has been on the international cooperation agenda for decades. But the approval of the 2030 Agenda and its inclusion among the Sustainable Development Goals (in SDG 17) has posed a new challenge not just for international cooperation, but for countries that are fully committed to the new global development agenda as well. To analyse the challenges this new holistic vision poses to the design of public policies, a seminar, "Policy coherence to face the new development challenges ", was held in CIDOB on June 28th 2018 in collaboration with the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry for Foreign Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency of the Government of Catalonia.

The aim was to analyse the state of play of the incorporation and monitoring of PCD in public policies, comparing practical cases from countries in the European environment that have been pioneers in this initiative with experts that have worked on its theorisation and/or evaluation. In this we improved knowledge of the challenges posed was sought, as well as identification of the essential regulatory and institutional instruments and the stimulation of a public debate that includes different public and private actors. This document condenses the main issues and debates on the policies and instruments that should be addressed in the three main phases of incorporating PCD into the design of government action at different levels: 1) diagnosis and political commitment; 2) effective implementation; and 3) participation, monitoring and control. Finally, a series of proposals for the future have been distilled from the experiences, good practices and critical debates of all three thematic roundtables, which were oriented around a set of strategic issues for effective PCD implementation previously identified by the experts.

Keywords: development, PCD, public policies, SDG

ISSN: 2564-8713