Barriers to asylum? notes on the system of international protection in Spain

Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2015-2016 (nueva época)
Publication date: 12/2016
María Valles Ferrero, Abogada y asesora legal, Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos y Derecho de los Refugiados
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Despite being the EU’s external southwestern border, the fourth biggest economy in the eurozone and one of the largest and most populous countries in the region, Spain receives barely 1% of total asylum applications lodged in the European Union. This article traces a path through the evolution of the legal framework and comments on the asylum procedure and the current situation of international protection in Spain – including a specific reference to access to the asylum system in Ceuta and Melilla. It concludes that migration policy, the externalisaion of borders, and significant, visible challenges – in both asylum procedures and the reception system – all help explain why Spain is one of the countries with fewest asylum applications of all 28 EU member states.

Key Words: Refugees, international protection, external borders, Common European Asylum System (CEAS), access to asylum, subsidiary protection, UNHCR, Ceuta, Melilla

>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language