5th International Seminar on Security and Defence in the Mediterranean

Monografia 5th international seminar
Publication date: 11/2007
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A collection of addresses, interventions and reports presented at the 5th International Seminar on Security and Defence in the Mediterranean, held in Barcelona on 4 December 2006. The work serves as a summary of the progress made by different cooperation initiatives (the Barcelona Process, the European Neighbourhood Policy, 5+5, NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue and the ESDP) and analyses a number of practical cases such as Moroccan participation in Bosnia and some of the ESDP missions in the Near East. The volume also tackles challenges that are of key importance for security in the Mediterranean, such as energy issues, the control of migration flows, compatibility between promotion of governance and security in the Mediterranean, and weapons of mass destruction.

Editions: Spanish (ISBN: 978-84-87072-87-1), English (ISBN: 978-84-87072-88-8)  

226 pp.

Publication content

Narcís Serra and Celia Abenza

Spain and the Security in the Mediterranean.
José Antonio Alonso

The Barcelona Process and the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Rafael Dezcallar

The NATO Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Co-Operation Initiative.
Pablo de Benavides Orgaz

A 'More Active' European Union in the Middle East.
Sven Biscop

The “5 + 5 Security and Defence” Initiative.
Jean François Coustillière

The Alliance of Civilisations.
Máximo Cajal

The practique of cooperation in security and defence issues
The Participation of the Moroccan Royal Armed Forces in Operation ALTHEA.
Mokhtar Marsou

The European Security and Defence Policy Mission at the Rafah Crossing Point.
Jesús Castilla Paz

Luis Meléndez Pasquín

A theoretical approach.
Towards a Shared Approach to Security in the Mediterranean?
Pinar Bilgin

Energy and non-proliferation: and old or new challenge?
Energy and Non-Proliferation.
Jorge Segrelles

What Energy Security for the EU? The Case of Oil and Gas.
Bichara Khader

The migration flows: An opportunity for cooperation in the Mediterranean
The Phenomenon of Migration in the Mediterranean: The Case of Spain.
Mehdi Lahlou

Illegal Migration in the Mediterranean.
Martin Baldwin-Edwards

FRONTEX. The European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union.
Gil Arias Fernández

Governance and security in the Mediterranean
Governance and Security: An Approach to State-Building and Institution-Strengthening.
Clare Lockhart

Security and Good Governance in the Mediterranean: Securitization vs. Democratization.
Yahia H. Zoubir

Security in the Mediterranean in 2006: A Multidimensional Reflection.
Haizam Amirah Fernández, Stuart Reigeluth, Eduard Soler i Lecha and Ricard Zapata

Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Mediterranean: An Omnidirectional Threat.
Jesús A. Núñez Villaverde, Balder Hageraats and Ximena Valente

Confidence and Security-Building Measures in the Mediterranean Region: An instrument for the Advancement of Human Security.
Jaume Urgell

Seminar programme