Towards a governance agenda for the emerging Atlantic Hemisphere

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_102-103
Publication date: 09/2013
Daniel S. Hamilton
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The Atlantic Basin is re-emerging as an important subsystem within the global political economy: inter-linked flows of people and energy, money and weapons, goods and services, technology and terror, drugs and crime; greater access to each other’s markets, resources, and talent. Yet, growing interdependencies gene-rate new vulnerabilities and challenges: cooperation
over resources and energy connections; promotion of trade and investment; migration and integration; building resilient societies; enhancement of good governance; investment in human development; and the fight against transnational criminal organisations and their growing links to terrorists and insurgents. However, while governance mechanisms and diplomatic cooperation based on a pan-Atlantic framework are in their infancy, a host of developments suggests that broadranging, interwoven hemispheric cooperation may be possible. In fact, the Atlantic Basin may emerge as a global laboratory for interregional, networked governance between developed and emerging countries.

 Key words: Atlantic Basin, Atlantic Hemisphere,energy, trade, investment, human security, governance, globalisation

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