Spain''s Arab and Mediterranean policy

Publication date: 12/2007
Eduard Soler i Lecha (coord.)

Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 79-80

This monographic work analyses the main actors, instruments and priorities in Spain's policy on the Mediterranean and the Arab world. Some articles tackle the issue from a regional perspective and analyse both the policies followed within the Euro-Mediterranean framework as well as policies developed within the framework of relations with the Maghreb region. Other contributions focus on specific countries and cases, such as the issue of the Western Sahara and Spain's growing involvement in Lebanon. The focus of this issue is wide-ranging in terms of its assessment of important actors (including the media, political parties, autonomous communities and local governments) as well as with respect to the issues covered by the area of foreign policy (particular attention is paid to the subject of migration).

300 pp.

ISSN: 1133-6595