Secondary sanctions in the United States-European Union-Cuba triangle

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_125
Publication date: 09/2020
Arturo López-Levy, profesor de Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Holy Names University (California, Estados Unidos)
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 This paper examines secondary sanctions as part of the triangular relations between the United States, the European Union and Cuba. The analysis – built on Dittmer’s (1981) strategic triangle theory and Womack’s (2016) studies of asymmetric relationships – questions the evaluation of sanctions carried out by the US Departments of State, Commerce and the Treasury, noting that, by prioritising the impact on the target’s economy, the evaluation ignores other fundamental effects of the sanctions in terms of triangular relations with allies and alternative powers.

Key words: United States, European Union, Cuba, Helms-Burton Act, secondary sanctions, strategic triangles


How to cite this article: López-Levy, Arturo. «Sanciones secundarias en el triángulo Estados Unidos-Unión Europea-Cuba». Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, n.º 125 (septiembre de 2020), p. 87-111. DOI:

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