(Re)Interpreting Islam in Europe

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_115
Publication date: 04/2017
Jordi Moreras (coord.)
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 This monograph proposes a new interpretative approach to Islam in Western Europe, which can no longer be seen merely as a result of the settlement of groups of migrants from Muslim countries. In the context of the processes of integrating a new Muslim citizenship and the emergence of the new generations of Muslims born in Europe, the articles explore the new post-migratory scenarios being configured and suggest alternative analytical approaches for interpreting the controversies caused by the visibility of Islamic symbols in the public space and dissecting the prejudices on which Islamophobia is based. All of these reflections put forward a different way of thinking about what being Muslim in Europe today means, as it no longer comprises the expression of loyalty to a particular cultural or national tradition, but the expression of multiple belongings in the context of Europe’s plural, complex and contradictory societies.

 DOI: doi.org/10.24241/rcai.2017.115.1

ISSN: 1133-6595  / E-ISSN: 2013-035X