Migration and Global Crisis. Europe-Latin America: New Strategies, New Inequalities

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_106-107
Publication date: 09/2014
Susana M. Sassone e Isabel Yépez del Castillo
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What are the impacts of the global crisis in the migratory processes between Europe and Latin America? How do states react before the possible or potential rerouting of the migratory flows? Do migratory policies create tension in the sovereignty of states? What are migrants’ strategies and resources in regards to unemployment? Is return a chosen option or an imperative need? How are the ways of forming a family and intra-familial solidarity redefined in the current contexts? International migrations are extremely sensitive to the contexts of change imposed by globalisation, especially from 2007 onwards, when the crisis of advanced capitalism took place. This issue of the journal Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals enquires, through eleven different researches, both the action of the migrants, and the political and even geopolitical dimension of these mobility systems. This enquiry is chiefly focused on mobility between countries from Southern Europe and South American countries. In particular, in this 21st century, flows are changing the pendulum orientation and contributing to redrawing the global agenda.

ISSN: 1133-6595 (printed edition) / ISSN: 2013-035X (online edition)