Group identity, ideology or recognition? Lawmakers’ support for gender quotas in Latin America

T3_M.Garcia Montero_Revista Afers, 127
Publication date: 04/2021
Asbel Bohigues and Jennifer M. Piscopo
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Asbel Bohigues
Postdoctoral researcher, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brasil) ORCID:

Jennifer M. Piscopo
Associate Professor of Political Science, Occidental College (Estados Unidos). ORCID:

The adoption and improvement of gender quota laws depend on political elites, but which lawmakers believe quotas are necessary? To answer this question, we use data from surveys of the elites in 13 Latin American parliaments. The findings are unexpected, both at national and party levels: the strength of already-existing quotas does not perfectly correlate with support for quotas, and the attitudes of political parties on the matter are not consistent. At the individual level, three pro-quota groups are identified: women, the left, and those who recognise the problem of gender inequality. When comparing the significance of these three groups, it is observed that women
lawmakers will always be more supportive than men, regardless of ideology and the degree of recognition of the problem.

Keywords: gender quotas, elites, gender inequality, Latin America, women MPs

How to cite this article: Bohigues, Asbel y Piscopo, Jennifer M. “Group identity, ideology or recognition? Lawmakers’ support for gender quotas in Latin America”. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, issue 127 (April de 2021), pp. 95-120. DOI: