Gender-based violence in Brazil: an evaluation of the “Maria da Penha Law” (2006-2016)

Revista CIDOB d' Afers Internacionals_117
Publication date: 12/2017
Verônica Maria Teresi, Investigadora predoctoral, Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Brasil
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Brazil is a signatory to various international treaties against gender violence and has a specific law on the issue: the “Maria da Penha” Law (LMP), the tenth anniversary of the approval of which was in 2016. This law is the first systematic mechanism against gender violence in the country. This paper analyses the validity of this legislation over these ten years, studies the mechanisms created to halt domestic violence against women and assesses their effectiveness. Finally, some current challenges for the policy combating gender violence in Brazil are presented.

Key words: Brazil, gender violence, “Maria da Penha” Law, public policies


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