Evolving towards a European administration of the issues of Freedom, Security and Justice

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_91
Publication date: 10/2010
Pablo Acosta Galo
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Building Europe is a process that, for 50 years, has been characterised by a high degree of uncertainty, guided more by pragmatism than by ideological or dogmatic factors. However, the impact of the decisions adopted at the EU level on the social and legal sphere of EU citizens is one that is unquestionable and, furthermore, increasing. Among the most important aspects of EU law that have had the greatest individual impact are the measures that comprise the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. True citizenship of the EU necessarily involves sufficient guar­antees in these three areas, and the powers of the Union have committed themselves to consti­tuting and strengthening these guarantees. Nevertheless, the successive EU enlargements have highlighted the shortcomings in this field. The entry of new countries into the EU provides economic capacity and social and cultural wealth, but it also adds new dimensions in the area of border control and of crime prevention and limitation, thereby increasing the need for greater capacity in the areas of policing and the law. Policies require institutions in order for them to be introduced. In the field of justice, Eurojust can be considered the embryo of an EU administra­tion in this area. This is where the tension between the national and the EU is manifested.

Key words: European Union; Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; enlargement, border control, immigration, Eurojust

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