Dimensions of Religious Pluralism

Publication date: 05/2007
Jordi Moreras Palenzuela (coord.)

 Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 77

The contributions that are presented in this monograph respond to the need to think about the management of the religious diversity brought about by the new migration contexts. It is a discussion promoted, at the same time, by the function of religious practices and beliefs as active references in the processes of community configuration. These article underscore how the fit of religious expressions shown by immigrant groups in their process of social settlement reopens apparently resolved issues and redefines some of the debates that existed in the receiving societies with regard to religion. This publication brings together articles that pose a redefinition of the forms of institutional relationship between the political and the religious spheres, a redefinition of the frameworks of religious and non-denominational freedom, and a redefinition of the proposals for management and regulation on local political agendas, as the prime sphere promoting regulatory interventions.

368 pp.

ISSN: 1133-6595

>> Complete texts of the articles in Spanish version