The Challenge of Transcultural Diversities

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_82-83
Publication date: 09/2008
Kevin Robins
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The economic and social dynamics of globalisation have brought with them a new kind of migration movement that can no longer be approached within the traditional framework of the Nation-State and its limits. Starting from the idea of the importance of transcultural diversity as a democratic social resource that should be emphasised and preserved through cultural political intervention, the author of the article stresses the need for a change of paradigm in drafting cultural policies. The case of Europe is a clear example of the process of complexisation and diversification of this transnational space and of the need for the continuation of the process of Europeisation for some kind of accommodation between national and cosmopolitan principles. In this way, the author –basing his argument on reports from the Council of Europe– calls for a transnational cultural policy to defend transcultural diversity; a policy in which the Council will have to play a key role. 

Key words: Boundaries, cultural identity, cultural pluralism, cultural policy, cultural relations, migration flows, transnational actors