A glocal think tank network

WISE CITIES is a pioneer urban-based project led by a global network of think tanks and research institutions aimed at providing responses to the challenges of sustainable and inclusive development and citizens well-being, through research, knowledge sharing and policy analysis.

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The purpose of the project –led by CIDOB– lays upon three dimensions of reflection and research:

  •   Improving the quality of citizens’ life (by minimizing urban threats such as climate change and migration) and maximizing citizens’ well-being.
  •   Advising and empowering urban enablers such as mayors and local authorities.
  •   Influencing the global debate by providing a freshly new international relations’ narrative around cities and the global urban agenda.

The foundation of a global network of think tanks (a think tank of think tanks) is a unique opportunity to include North-South and East-West perspectives in an initiative of global reach and local impact.

“The notion of wise cities emerges from growing evidence that smartness is failing to create more inclusive, sustainable and democratic cities. One of the big challenges for this century’s urban planners and managers is to design a urban model that is human-centred and takes into account each city’s idiosyncrasy and cultural trajectory in order to avoid a “one-size fits all” approach. The ultimate goal of the wise city model should be the improvement of the citizens’ quality of life, including their happiness and subjective well-being, in resilient cities”

