[VIDEO] War&Peace 2020 Interviews with: Cristina Gallach, Dmitri Trenin, Heather Conley and Shaoguang Wang

 Noticia WP2020 videos

“A World of Two or Three? The US, China and the EU in a New Global Order” was the subject of the eighteenth edition of the War and Peace in the 21st Century seminar, held on January 18th, 2020. Organised in collaboration with EsadeGeo - Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics and supported by Barcelona City Council and “La Caixa” Foundation, the seminar provided expert insight into the current and future state of the international relations system and the future of the liberal international order.

This year’s conference was charged with discussing how a new distribution of power might go hand-in-hand with substantial changes in the international order. It was structured into two panel discussions: “The United States, China and the New Global Order”, and “A Third Pole? Articulating an EU voice for the new political cycle”. Contributions came from the US, Hong Kong, Russia, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain.

CIDOB Briefings ‘War and Peace in the 21st Century 2020: A World of Two or Three? The US, China and the EU in a New Global Order’

Photo Gallery War and Peace in the 21st Century 2020: A World of Two or Three? The US, China and the EU in a New Global Order