CIDOB climbs the rankings of the Global Go To Think Tank Index 2020


CIDOB rises one place in the Top Think Tanks Worldwide (non-US) category of the Global Go To Think Tank Index 2020, ranking 29th (out of 150). It maintains its position of 36th (out of 174 ) in the category of Top Think Tanks Worldwide (US and non-US). CIDOB also climbs one place to 3rd in the Think Tank to Watch category, which recognises innovation and excellence in research, meaning that only the Hoover Institution and the Brookings Institution (both US) rank higher. It remains in 8th place in the ranking of Best Independent Think Tanks.

 The 2020 edition of the Global Go To Think Tank Index, which assesses the world's leading think tanks every year, once again lists CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) among the Top Think Tanks Worldwide. CIDOB rises one place from the previous year to 29th out of 150 in the non-US category. In the category of Top Think Tanks Worldwide (US and non-US) it retains 36th place (out of 174). Its more than three million annual visits to its website in 2020 make CIDOB the 3rd Think Tank to Watch (out of 109), highlighting its innovation and excellence of its research. In this category, CIDOB ranks behind only the Hoover Institution and the Brookings Institution (both US), and for the sixth consecutive year CIDOB is 8th (out of 143) in the list of Best Independent Think Tanks, in recognition of its independence of thought. 

For the first time, in 2020 CIDOB appears in the category of Best Quality Assurance and Integrity Policies and Procedures, ranking 63rd (out of 75). In other categories, CIDOB consolidates its position. It maintains its ranking from the previous year in the following sections: Top Think Tanks in Western Europe(12th out of 141), Best Think Tank Network (55th out of 86), Top Foreign Policy and International Affairs Think Tanks (64th out of 156), and Top Defense  and National Security Think Tanks (67th out of 110). 

CIDOB’s Director, Pol Morillas, underlined that the results “show the progress made by CIDOB in an ecosystem of think tanks that is increasingly characterised by research excellence”, underscoring that the pandemic has highlighted the need for “think tanks to promote a greater connection between expert knowledge, politics and society”. 

This year's edition once again recognised the Brookings Institution (US) as Top Think Tank. It was followed by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (US), Bruegel (Belgium) and Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil) at the head of the 174 Top Think Tanks Worldwide. 

The Global Go To Think Tank Report is led by Dr James G. McGann, Senior Lecturer in International Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and Director of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP). Since 2006 it has ranked the world's leading think tanks and is designed to identify centres of excellence in different areas of public policy research in every region of the world. It is the leading international index assessing the work and impact of think tanks and is the result of an open nomination process followed by review by an expert panel. 

The 2020 Index Global Go To Think Tank was presented at 2.30 pm today in the virtual global forum "Why Think Tanks Matter In Times of Crisis", organised by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program of the University from Pennsylvania, with the participation of over 430 institutions and 750 individuals from all regions of the world. 

The 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report is available at TTCSP GLOBAL GO TO THINK TANK INDEX REPORTS